Gaikai voorlopig niet naar Europa

De streamingservice Gaikai komt voorlopig niet naar Europa. Sony was al angstvallig stil over Gaikai op gamescom en nu blijkt waarom. In de Verenigde Staten komt Gaikai begin 2014 uit, maar Europa blijft dus voorlopig achter.

Op E3 legde Sony uit hoe Gaikai gaat werken op PlayStation 4, zo kunnen PlayStation 3-games gestreamd worden naar de console. Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO Jim Ryan laat weten dat er problemen zijn met de breedbandverbindingen in Europa.

"So the plan is to begin with North America next year and the plan is to provide a streaming service that will allow for PS3 content initially to be streamed to firstly PS4 then PS Vita and then PS3," he said.

"And so that will happen in 2014 in North America initially. Now, and I touched upon these issues of broadband in Europe during the presentation - Europe is of course on the roadmap for that service to be deployed at some point in the future, but for reasons outside of our control we don't yet have a timeline for it.

"So at a show which is now pretty global in its reach but primarily aimed at a European audience, we didn't really want to start talking about the virtues of this great cloud-based service without knowing exactly when it'll come to Europe.

"We've got a roadmap, there's just a few bumps along the road that need to be ironed out."

In de presentatie op gamescom liet Ryan op het podium nog weten dat Sony afspraken heeft gemaakt met verschillende internetproviders om PlayStation-eigenaren 'priority bandwith' te verlenen.

Sony kocht Gaikai in juli 2012 voor 380 miljoen dollar om deze nieuwe cloudservice op te zetten.