Harvest Moon-dev komt met indiegame

Harvest Moon-ontwikkelaar Yasuhiro Wada heeft een aantal hints gegeven over het eerste project van zijn nieuwe indie-bedrijf Toybox Inc. Het bedrijf wil de publicatie in eigen handen houden en sluit niet uit dat het daarmee gebonden zal zijn aan een digitaal distributieplatform.

"Currently we're developing for a portable game system", aldus Wada.

"Toybox intends to self-publish where possible, and has not ruled out a digital release for the unannounced game. About the publishing, at present, nothing has been decided. Our goal is to publish not just downloadable titles, but also packaged games. Ultimately, what's going to happen with regards to our current project is still up in the air, though."

De ex-Grasshopper Manufactor-ontwikkelaar zei dat hij de grote bedrijven achter zich wilde laten en zich wou richten op zijn eigen design doelen.

"I wish to deal with game creation not as a part of the management, but as a creator. In a large company, no matter what you do, you always have to deal with the management side of things."

Over de visie die zijn nieuwe bedrijf handhaaft zei hij het volgende:

"I feel the world needs games that emotionally move people and give them the strength to live another day, and games that you would have fun talking about with your friends and family."

"Toybox is especially mindful of the contents of the game, but we don't have a preference with regards to medium. We plan to develop for all platforms. Our foremost goal is: ‘We create our own, and we publish our own'. This way, we will have no choice but to create games with great content that would make both the business world and the players acknowledge Toybox."